Singer, songwriter and creator

Music as a tool for personal transformation

Life is quite a rollercoaster ride with its ups and downs. But I embrace it all, because it teaches me the lessons I need to grow and develop. Music is my friend, every step along the way.

I create music to share my inner journey to self-love. You may recognize some of my challenges. Isn’t that what makes us human?

I also love to write personalized songs for people. By writing and producing a song, I can help you express certain emotions. May it be grief, love or simply appreciation for a person in your life. I am here to help.

Check out my music online
Podcast episode (in Dutch)

Het verborgen leven van bomen met Lila Visser

I was interviewed by Savannah Bay, a progressive book store in Utrecht. We talked about the book “The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben and dicussed the role of poetry and art in nature conservation. 

The two questions on my mind:

Who are you?
Who am I?

In my song ‘Mumbling, Stumbling’ these questions come up. For me they are crucial. I see in others a mirror of myself. Sometimes they reflect my fears, my pain and my weaknesses. Sometimes they reflect my beauty and my strength.

Through poetry and music I am able to express my real reasons for living. Without these underlying themes, life would be meaningless to me.